Menopause Care

Dr. Charlotte Iveson


General Practitioner and Advanced Menopause Specialist

Charlotte is an experienced GP and pursued her specialist interest in the menopause after being diagnosed with early menopause herself. Her first-hand experience of how to maintain a high-performing professional role, whist managing the many symptoms menopause can bring, have helped her understand how to support all women, at work and in their personal life. She is passionate about women’s health and wellbeing and aspires to make a positive impact on your menopause journey.

Charlotte is certified as an Advanced Menopause Specialist, trained at the Whittington Hospital in London. She has the Diploma of the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (DRCOG) and has completed several posts in obstetrics and gynaecology during her GP training. She keeps her knowledge up to date by attending both British and International Menopause society conferences and runs teaching sessions for other healthcare professionals. She also helps form local clinical guidelines.

One of Charlotte’s key aims is to broaden access to menopause knowledge to all women; she delivers both educational workshops and small group conversations with women in many settings including community venues to ensure women are fully informed about the menopause and can comfortably ask any questions, no matter how awkward!

Charlotte is a keen cold-water swimmer and spends many early mornings, rain or shine, in the Kenwood Ladies’ Pond. She also loves to run for both her physical and mental health. Before training in medicine, Charlotte achieved a first-class degree in Textile Design from Chelsea College of Art, and still enjoys creative projects, including painting. She lives in North London with her husband, a Consultant Neuroradiologist and two children.

Follow Charlotte on Instagram @dr_lotte for regular health, menopause and wellbeing updates. Charlotte’s NHS GP practice is based at the Caversham Group Practice in Kentish town. 

Book An Appointment

Menopause Care

Our commitment is to provide comprehensive support during your perimenopause and menopause journey. The onset of menopause frequently brings about significant changes in the lives of women, accompanied by a myriad of symptoms. Whether you are approaching or currently experiencing menopause, 360 Med is available to provide support, expert advice and tailored treatment options. We aim to assist you in navigating this phase with greater ease by addressing the specific challenges associated with menopause. 
Our comprehensive approach encompasses personalised guidance and effective treatments to better manage the various symptoms and enhance your overall well-being during this transitional period. If you choose, we can prescribe hormone replacement therapy (HRT) as part of the personalised plan to address your needs.

Specialist Menopause consultations:

In person menopause consultation, 45 mins – £180

In person menopause follow-up consultation, 30 mins – £150

Video First appointment, menopause consultation, 45 mins – £180

Video follow up, menopause consultation, 30 mins – £150 

Please call 360 Med (020 8050 4048) to make a booking or enquire via


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